Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Business210 Chapter 1

Chapter 1

1. What is e-commerce? How does it differ from e-business? Where does it intersect with e-business?
   E-commerce is the use of the Internet and the World Wide Web to transact business. E-commerce is not anything digital that the firm does. For the purpose of this text, we will use the term e-business to refer primarily to the digital enabling of transactions and processes within a firm. E-commerce and e-business intersect at the point where internal business systems link up with suppliers or customers.
2. What are some of the unique features of e-commerce technology?
Ubiquity, Global reach, Universal standards, Richness...
3. What is Web 2.0? Give examples of Web 2.0 sites and explain why you included them in your list.
Web 2.0 is the applications and technologies that allows users to create, edit, and distribute content; share preferences,bookmarks, and online personas; participate in virtual lives; and build online communities. Yahoo is one of the famous Web 2.0 site that you can read news, Auto, Movies and a lot other stuff
4. Give examples of B2C, B2B, C2C, and P2P Web sites besides those listed in the chapter materials.
Overstock.com is one of the famous B2C website. B2B: made-in-china.com, C2C: autotrader.com, P2P:
5. What factors will help define the future of e-commerce over the next five years?
  • E-commerce technology will continue to propagate through all commercial actvity,with overall revenues from e-commerce, the numver of products and services sold over the web, and the amount of web traffic all rising.
  • E-commerce prices will rise to cover the real costs of doing business on the Web
  • E-commerce margins and profits will rise to levels more typical of all retailers
  • Triditional well-endowed and experienced Fortune 500 companies will play a growing and more dominant role
  • Entrepreneurs will continue tp play an important role in pioneering new social applications.
  • The number of successful pure online companies will continue to decline and most successful e-commerce firms will adopt an integrated, multi-channel bricks-and-clicks strategy.
  • Regulation of e-commerce and the Web by government will bith in the United States and worldwide.

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